The Future of Language: Will Artificial Intelligence Change the Way We Communicate?

AI revolutionizes our communication, subtly changing online interactions daily. It's redefining our engagements, primed to enhance global conversations.

The Future of Language: Will Artificial Intelligence Change the Way We Communicate?

Throughout history, from the inception of written words to the dawn of telecommunication, the way humans exchange information has continually evolved.

The question now is—will artificial intelligence (AI) instigate another paradigm shift in the way we express ourselves?

The argument is not hypothetical; the transformation is currently unfolding in our digital spaces.

Yes, it's unequivocal – artificial intelligence (AI) will indeed revolutionize the way we communicate. It’s not a far-off science fiction concept; in fact, AI technologies are already reshaping our communication landscape in the digital realm.

Impact of AI on Online Interaction

Every day, AI subtly changes the way we present ourselves online. Whether it's through auto-generated emojis, predictive text, or speech recognition, it's undeniably present in our daily interactions.

Remarkably, people are growing increasingly comfortable communicating through written text, often preferring it over traditional phone calls. This transition into predominantly digital communication underscores the crucial role AI tools will play in our everyday lives.

As reported by Pew Research Center, most people, particularly young adults, find it easier to text than to call. This trend suggests a growing comfort with mediated communication, where communication is 'accurate' but feels inauthentic.

AI:  Boon or Bane?

The comfort with AI-mediated communication accompanies the unsettling reality of our increasing reliance on these tools. Critics argue that this dependence hampers our inherent communication skills, making us struggle to communicate effectively without these tools.

While these technologies are revolutionizing our ability to express ourselves online, some argue that it feels 'accurate', but somewhat inauthentic.

AI as an Opportunity for Better Communication

At, we choose to look at AI differently. We see it as an opportunity—an opportunity to boost our intrinsic expression abilities.

ChatGPT, a thesaurus, and grammar aids are all tools to leverage AI's power to streamline communication.

Dr. Jordan Peterson, a renowned and articulate speaker. Who quoted:

“My position is we need to get our act together before the giants show up, and they’re knocking at the door right now. You better build your ark, folks—get on your adventure—because we’re whipping up things in the lab that will make everything so far look like nothing has happened at all yet. That’s not next year, that’s tomorrow. We’re going to have a lot of things to contend with.”

Dr. Peterson mentioned his experience in consulting on a neuroscience-focused chatbot, which utilizes ChatGPT as its core. Although he acknowledges the presence of issues and prejudices in the current technology, he also highlights the groundwork it lays for the introduction of much stronger AIs. These AIs, according to Dr. Peterson, will be making their debut in the near or distant future, benefiting from more comprehensive training.

One could argue that chatting via AI like GPT-3 might seem cumbersome comparatively. But imagine a world where everyone had the ability to articulate themselves as freely as Peterson, not just online with help from tools like GPT-3, a thesaurus, or Grammarly, but also genuinely in face-to-face conversations.

To Fluency And Beyond

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Imagine a world where everyone could achieve this level of fluency in multiple languages, facilitating seamless global conversations.

What if diplomats could fluently communicate in all diplomatic languages? Or if politicians mastered several languages—yes, even American ones?

That’s the future we’re envisioning and endeavoring at

The influence of AI in language and communication is indisputable and we're committed to ensuring that it's used to enhance our natural ability to communicate, rather than see it as an inauthentic replacement of it.

Final Thoughts: Will AI Change Communication?

Yes, AI will definitely change how we communicate. It is already redefining our online engagements. The next step is for AI to reinvent face-to-face interactions, enhancing our expression ability and facilitating global conversations.