🪶 A first look at Phrasing

Introducing Phrasing, a revolutionary language learning app that turns multimedia content into personalized language courses. Master over 60 languages with ease, using our tailor-made expressions and interactive features for unparalleled fluency.

🪶 A first look at Phrasing

Have you been studying a language, but struggle to understand content in that language? Maybe you know that language acquisition is key to successfully learning a language, but anything you watch feels just out of reach.

How can you cross that gap and start understanding content? You could either diligently study the episode, pausing it every couple seconds to look up words, figure out their spelling, write them down, try to organize them, switch over to anki, create flashcards, try to guess the pronunciation, open 100 exploratory tabs, ask your native friends questions they've never thought about their language...

... or you can just look the show up on Phrasing. Learn all the important bits, get all your questions answered without leaving the page, then go back and watch your favorites on repeat and really understand them.

🇮🇹 Let's say you're learning Italian

You've got some of the basics down, and now you want to start watching TV shows in Italian. You've tried watching Archer in Italian, but struggled to follow along with what everyone was saying.

What's the deal?! You finished your Duolingo tree, you've taken courses, you've even had moderately complex conversations in Italian, but a cartoon is completely unintelligable.

Let's plug Archer into Phrasing and see why:

🧐 What words should you know?

Phrasing will analyze the program and let you know which words and phrases are most important.

As you can see here, some of the most important words are "deep submergence vehicle", "Bermuda Triangle", "conservatorship", "inheritance", "maritime salvage law", "ransom" and "treason". I'm going to guess that's the issue... I don't think you'll find those in a Duolingo tree.

✨ Create expression in one click...

You can sort the expressions in the show by their relative importance - chances are, you'll find something near the top that not only is new to you, but is critical to understanding the story as well.

What are expressions? Well, think of them like flashcards on steroids. Native quality audio, multilingual alignment, morphological and grammatical analysis, context aware, and freaking gorgeous.

💬 ... or come up with sentences that better match your level

Want it easier? Harder? In another language? Broken down piece by piece? Used in another context? Used in another tense? Combined with a Spanish translation written in the Tibetan alphabet as said by a woman from Madrid?*

You get the idea, the world is your oyster. You just tell Phrasing what you want, and we'll create expressions for you so you can click & create and get one step closer to fluency.

* yes this is possible. no this is not recommended. no they don't write in tibetan in madrid. yet.

⛵️ Review methods to fit your style

Want a quick review? Check out flashcards. Have more dedicated time? Try your hand at cloze completion. Cooking dinner? Turn on shadowing for an audio only review experience. Listening to something else? Try relaxing with a wordsearch.

More features

🌐 All your languages in one place

Core to our product is that every language deserves a great learning experience. That's why we're supporting 60 languages out of the box, and are constantly adding more! If there's a language we don't support and you're learning it, please reach out, we'd love to work with you to get it supported.

🤓 Morphological analysis

No more pausing to look up the gender, tense, case - let phrasing do the research, you just do the learning.

🤖 Context aware chatbot

Have a question about a card? Maybe you want to see a conjugation table, get a grammar explanation, or come up with some more uses for a word. Well, Phrasing's got you covered there too.

🎉 Customizable flags

Spanish speakers rejoice! We offer completely customizable flags for every language. Customizing your flag is not only a great way to represent, but it will also subtly effect your review experience by tweaking the colors in the UI.

* this is of course available in every language, but it was lovingly built with our Spanish speaking friends in mind 🫶

🪶 And so much more!

This is only a taste of the main features of Phrasing, and we're shipping new features every day. We've got lots of ideas and can't wait to share even more!

But we need your help!

We're approaching the limits of what we can test ourselves. We need speakers and learners of every language to jump into Phrasing with us if we're going to make Phrasing the best language learning tool in the world.

We're looking for polyglots, multilingual, and monolinguals who are serious about their language learning and want to take it to the next level. Does that sound like you? Then sign up for beta access at phrasing.app and take your first step to fluency, and beyond.